

新聞報導鄰國大地震,災情嚴重,請寫一封信給在當地的朋友(英文名字必須假設為 Tom或 Kelly),表達慰問之意。



請注意:為避免評分困擾,信末必須使用 John 或 Susan 署名,不得使用自己真實的中文或英文名字


Dear Tom,
Earlier today, I felt very sad to hear about a heartbreaking catastrophe that your country was struck by a terrible earthquake. And I was shocked by the photos from the news that lots of buildings and houses were extremely damaged by it. But it was such a big relief that many of the earthquake victims had been transported to local emergency shelters, and a more devastating tsunami that usually followed immediately by the earthquake did not happen. 
Most importantly, I hope that your current life situation is not very bad. As you may know, Taiwan is a country that has been suffering a lot from earthquakes in history. Here I want to share with you some life-saving skills that you can apply whenever an earthquake occurs. And these skills helped me avoid being killed or injured during the 921 earthquake when I was a little boy. First of all, you need to shut off the gas. Then, do not forget to open the windows and doors in case you are unable to open them when any damages caused. All in all, I much look forward to hearing from you soon!

heartbreaking  adj. 令人心碎的
catastrophe  n. 災禍, 災難
struck  (strike的過去分詞) vi./vt. 受到沖擊
shocked  (shock的過去分詞) vi./vt. 感到震驚
relief  n. 安慰
victim  n. 受害人
emergency shelter  n. 應急避難所
devastating  adj. 毀滅性的
life-saving skills  n. 救生技能
shut off  切斷, 關掉 

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