










  • 「台籍師資」具有非常豐富的歐美申請以及大小面試(電話、Skype、On-site)的實戰經驗。
  • 「外籍博士」除了實戰經驗之外還參與過實驗室徵選專題生、碩博士、博士後研究員、PI 的過程,十分熟悉歐美頂尖大學針對 CV 等資料的篩選模式。



我們相信:透過這樣的模式,能讓學生最快獲得「外籍博士」所親自修改編輯的 CV。每份資料的修改約需三個工作天,如果你真的很趕時間,將會以急件處理(需加收急件費用)。




最後提供「外籍博士」站在審核者的角度教大家究竟該如何撰寫才能寫出一份「吸睛」的專業 CV。


Title: How to write a successful CV?
What is a CV?
Curriculum Vitae (CV) is used to outline a person’s educational and professional background, proficiency and experiences, usually prepared for the application of both industry and academic jobs to demonstrate that you have the demanded skills. And a CV is the most effective way of marketing yourself as an applicant. 
Why is it so important to write a CV?
Even to this day, people are still not aware of the importance of writing an impressive professional CV, which actually is the most important document you should submit while applying for a position. In general, people would rather spend a lot of time on the lengthy statement of purpose (SOP) or personal statement (PS) than spare a little bit of time on their CV (This is not to say the former is not important, but the time investment for the latter is unbalanced.). We live in a world that is so fast-paced and most of the time we have to be very efficient in order to keep up with the times. This of course also applies to all kinds of admissions recruiters. When they are going over your application documents, they donreally have too much time for each of the hundreds, and even thousands, of applicants. Many people get discouraged when the first door they knock does not swing wide open for them. However, in many circumstances, it is not because what you can offer are not competitive enough, but you didn’t have a clear focus on how would your strengths fit the position. So what you need is a well-prepared CV, which is going to help you tremendously in your next try.
What should you include in your CV?
There are several kinds of information you should include in your CV, for example, your personal details, educational background, work experience (if any), achievements, skills, etc. There are also a few details you need to keep in mind. For example, in Germany and France, it’s common to see a photograph in CVs,whereas in the UK and the USA it is frowned upon.
What makes your CV stand out?
Overall, it should be short (usually no more than two sides of A4 paper) and to the point! If you are applying for more than one position, you should have a different CV tailored to each of them and highlight the relevant skills and experience that match well with the specific job.
What kind of services do we offer?
Academic CV (format + content)
  • Application for University Admission for high school students
  • Application for Master or PhD Position
It is important to match your academic achievements, research interests and specialist skills with the requirements for the academic position that you apply for. The writing style of your CV should be scholarly and clearly understood to those outside of your field of interest.

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